The flight here was supposed to be around 10 hours but I guess we got lucky because it only took around 9 hours and we were already touched down at Charles de Gaulle, Paris, FRANCE - TERMINAL 2E. BUT...the plane was a 777 and it is SOOO we were so glad that the flight was over!

so happy the flight was over...because too cramped = can't sleep.... But also excited that we're officially vacationing!

such a beautiful airport.....I think much nicer that that LAX we departed from

then we go to our hotel inside paris by train. We're super excited about our hotel because it is supposed to be less than 10 minute walk to Champs Elysees (should kick Rodeo Dr.'s ass), The Arc de Triomphe, and the Eifel Tower!

On the train to our hotel, all of a sudden, outside te window....we see this little thing :) cool!

Alicia and Byron (i'll ask him about his spelling....)

That day, we were so tired and jetlagged from that super cramped flight so we took a river tour. The coolest thing on the crusie is this thing. There were other bridges and such, like this one most!

One more shot!
ok...more to come later :)
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