Friday, October 27, 2006

Christmas Deadline...

Hello all,

Just a little reminder for those of you that are still working hard picking your pictures from your Proof Book or ProofCD's or those of you who has the albums designs but HAVE NOT APPROVED THEM YET. If you want your albums to be done by Christmas to show off or just to have it done before your 1st of even 2nd anniversary (you know who you are...) Those selections and designs must be approved by November 10th, 2006. If we get them after that, you'll most likely receive your albums back NEXT YEAR!!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

me so lazy/busy!

Hey......hello to the handful of people who check this blog out! I know i've been gone for like 20 days, but i got a good excuse! I'm a busy man! Between shooting people's wedding day, I also shoot lots of other stuff during the week and also on the weekends that there are no weddings for me to shoot. Beside shooting this mainstream wedding day photography, I also cater to a smaller audience, the Asian style of studio wedding photography. Can't say that it's my favorite, but really can't complain because I mostly get to work with lots of very-in-love couples that make the session much easier! In addition to the weddings I shoot in the studio, I also do lots and lots of family portraits. This something handed down to me by my Mother who is the Lucy of Lucy's Bridal & Photography, so I feel lots of accomplishment when I shoot a family portrait session and get complemented by the clients and also when the BUY LOTS OF PRINTS, meaning I did well! :)

Anyhow, besides shooting, I'm also a try-to-be-the-best-I-can-be husband/soon to be daddy! Just went to the doctor's today and looks like baby Megan'll be joining us sometime mid November! I'll keep you guys posted about baby Megan! excited!.......

Looks like a busy time for me, hopefully I can make time to keep this Blog updated! See you soon :)
